Welcome to FPSAC 2023!

July 17-21, 2023, UC Davis, California

Financial Support

There is a possibility of financial support for students and junior researchers to attend FPSAC 2023.

Any full-time student in good standing is eligible for consideration, as are those in postdoctoral fellowships or other temporary positions. When determining the amount of funding, priority will be given to students, and to participants presenting talks or posters.

Support is intended to partially cover travel, accommodation, and registration expenses. Participants are strongly encouraged to also apply for funding from local sources and their home institutions.


To submit an application for financial support, please follow these steps:

  1. Fill out this form: link

  2. Email a CV (one page is fine) to fpsac23funding@gmail.com ; make sure this includes your contact information, your expected/past date (month/year) of your PhD award, the institution of your PhD, and your advisor/mentor’s name.

  3. Ask your advisor/mentor to email a supporting reference to fpsac23funding@gmail.com with subject “Reference for [Candidate Name]”. This step is not necessary if you are presenting a talk or poster at the conference.