Welcome to FPSAC 2023!

July 17-21, 2023, UC Davis, California


Guidelines for final submissions

Accepted extended abstracts will be published in a proceedings volume of Séminaire Lotharingien Combinatoire. Authors will retain the right to publish a full version of their work in another journal, provided that the conference contribution is indicated as an extended abstract of the full version. For questions and problems, email the proceedings editor Ben Salisbury .

Before sending the final version or your submission, please read the instructions and requirements below. The requirements for the original format of the submission apply (please read Guidelines for initial submissions and Formatting requirements and submission procedures below). In particular, the default font type and font size (12 pt) must not be changed. Final submissions, including suggested corrections, must not exceed 12 pages.

Your new submission should consist of:

Guidelines for software demonstration submissions

Algebraic combinatorics has a long tradition of using software to support research; in particular, many of the published results and conjectures have been originally discovered through computer exploration or are backed up by calculations. This growing need is supported by regular software development efforts from the researchers.

The purpose of FPSAC’s software demonstrations is to encourage code sharing and reuse by providing a venue for:

We invite presentations of any piece of software that specifically supports research and teaching in algebraic combinatorics: computational libraries, online databases, certified proofs, training portals, etc. The presenter shall be actively involved in the development.

Presenters will be given 10 minutes to demonstrate their software to participants. The focus should be on explaining what the piece of software is about and prompting potential users to want to learn more.

The selection of the presentations will be based on the submission by email to fpsac2023_m@softconf.com (with subject “Software demonstration”) of an extended abstract (12 pages maximum, but we recommend no more than 6 pages) in the usual FPSAC format. The deadline for submission is March 15, 2023. Abstracts will be evaluated based on content, novelty, originality, importance and the potential value of the software to the community.

Extended abstracts of accepted software presentations will be published in the conference proceedings.

The abstract will typically include:

When applicable, it is okay to link instead to a permanent web page prominently containing the latter two pieces of information.

The software itself shall be made publicly available for scrutinizing by the reviewers. If a specific platform is required, reviewers will make some efforts to get access to that platform and try the software.

Guidelines for initial submissions

For each submission, you must indicate which author will present the work in person at the conference. A change of presenter will only be possible after advance consultation with the program committee. A change of presentation modus may only be accommodated for reasons out of the presenter’s control (such as visa problems, medical issues etc. ) and need to be discussed with the program committee and organizing committee. Each person may be the presenter for at most one submission. Program committee members must not be (co)authors on submissions regardless of which author is the presenter. Software presentations are reviewed by the Program Committee chairs only; hence Program Committee members may serve as (co)authors on software presentations. Members of other FPSAC committees who are not on the PC may serve as (co)authors on submissions, as they take no part in reviewing or selecting submissions.

In their submission form, the authors should indicate any potential conflict of interest that may exist with program committee members (including co-chairs).

You have a conflict of interest if a program committee member:

As is tradition, there will be a prize for the best student paper. In order to qualify for this prize, all authors on the qualifying submission must be students at the time of submission. You will be asked on the submissions website if your submission qualifies, so please remember to indicate this if it does.

The extended abstract should have an abstract in English. We encourage the authors to include an abstract in another language, for example their native language (if different from English).

The originality of the results and the clarity of exposition will be the primary criteria used to determine which submissions will be accepted.

LaTeX formatting requirements

In order to prepare your submission, please take the following steps to format your document according to these specifications. Please prepare your document using standard LaTeX. If you have any user macros, you must include them in your submission.

Additional considerations

Bibliography guidelines

Bibliography is the .bib file, which is required during final submission, and should contain all references.

Submit through Softconf

Please make your submission through the SoftConf website . You will need to indicate the presenter name and also if the paper qualifies for consideration for the “best student paper” prize. For questions regarding the submission process, please e-mail fpsac2023_m@softconf.com .